Federal Data
isiFederal Data provides your company with the blueprint of what agencies you should prioritize and which people in those agencies make decisions on your offerings.
What Kind of Federal Data Do You Need?
Market Essentials Packages
Detailed research reports cover the full spectrum of your market, including buyer and competitor information.
We are all here because the federal government buys everything and we want our piece of the action.

Federal Buyer Reports
Discover federal purchasing trends and access targeted buyer contacts to direct your efforts effectively.
A Federal Buyer Report gives you the competitive edge to win contracts and grow your business.

Federal Expiring Contracts Reports
Position your business to win renewals and new awards in the federal market with our Federal Expiring Contracts Reports.
Our powerful report data identifies contracts nearing their end, giving you the chance to target renewal opportunities and connect with decision-makers before the competition.

What Do You Do With This Data?
Identify agencies and projects that align with your offerings, helping you connect with key decision-makers early in the process.
Analyze awarded contracts to understand who your competitors are working with and build relationships with those agencies.
Track expiring contracts to engage with decision-makers in advance, positioning your business as a trusted partner for future opportunities.